finished our first week of games and the kids have learned a lot, I have learned a lot and also made several strong connections. I plan I returning here again in the near future. The weather has been pretty wet and rainy during our first week but today was beautiful. We had sunny sky's and took a trip to a few different areas. We went to a ropes course and played around for a while. We then went to one of the Maurie bays that is a big surf spot and spent a little time. Words cant explain the beauty. I have posted a few pictures above just to give you a small glimpse of everything. The first picture is of one of the pools during the opening ceremonies. There is over 100 teams here from all over the world. The second picture is of me driving on the left side of the road, yup... the left. I have also mastered stick shift as well. The third picture is of a cup of coffee I ordered, more like a bowl of coffee. It was the best I have ever had, due to this I have drunken more coffee in the last week than I have in the last few months. I have also eaten more food than ever. I think I have gained at least 10lbs since I have been here. The fourth picture is of a small bay near the national water polo training pool we played a few games at. This was during a break and we needed to kill some time. The last picture is of one of the bays we drove to today. I was awesome. That is a shot from a lookout point on one of the bluffs. I have so many more pictures of all we have been able to see as well as a few short videos. Look up "the Haka" on you tube or the All Blacks, New Zealand national rugby team and find there Haka dance. I have a video if the students performing that at the opening ceremonies. There is to much more to say and to little time. I also have to many pictures to post. I hope all is well and I will update thing when I am able to log on again. See ya soon.
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
New Zealand Post II
finished our first week of games and the kids have learned a lot, I have learned a lot and also made several strong connections. I plan I returning here again in the near future. The weather has been pretty wet and rainy during our first week but today was beautiful. We had sunny sky's and took a trip to a few different areas. We went to a ropes course and played around for a while. We then went to one of the Maurie bays that is a big surf spot and spent a little time. Words cant explain the beauty. I have posted a few pictures above just to give you a small glimpse of everything. The first picture is of one of the pools during the opening ceremonies. There is over 100 teams here from all over the world. The second picture is of me driving on the left side of the road, yup... the left. I have also mastered stick shift as well. The third picture is of a cup of coffee I ordered, more like a bowl of coffee. It was the best I have ever had, due to this I have drunken more coffee in the last week than I have in the last few months. I have also eaten more food than ever. I think I have gained at least 10lbs since I have been here. The fourth picture is of a small bay near the national water polo training pool we played a few games at. This was during a break and we needed to kill some time. The last picture is of one of the bays we drove to today. I was awesome. That is a shot from a lookout point on one of the bluffs. I have so many more pictures of all we have been able to see as well as a few short videos. Look up "the Haka" on you tube or the All Blacks, New Zealand national rugby team and find there Haka dance. I have a video if the students performing that at the opening ceremonies. There is to much more to say and to little time. I also have to many pictures to post. I hope all is well and I will update thing when I am able to log on again. See ya soon.
Thursday, July 3, 2008
New Zealand Update
The food here is amazing and the coffee is some of the best I have had. The people are all very nice and approachable, it makes you feel right at home and comfortable. I have not had a chance to upload any photos yet but I will do so as soon as I can. Check back in a few days and I will have more updates and hopefully pictures. See ya soon.
Saturday, June 28, 2008
New Zealand

It is winter over there so it will be a little cold but the beauty is still breathtaking. The trip will be for 16 days and we will be playing water polo the entire time. There will be a day or two we get free to tour the North end of the island. I will try to visit the Shire and meet some hobbits, HAHA. We plan on staying at Sacred Heart High School which is a private high school their in Auckland. So keep checking every few days and hopefully I will have a few pictures up with updates on our trip.
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Librbary Thoughts
Monday, June 2, 2008
My Image Generator

So I had a chance to play with the image generator and I had a little to much fun. I am actually going to send some of the pictures to my buddies. I think it is great to have access to stuff like that if you don't have something like photo shop on your computer. There is a lot out there you can play with. I plan on spending some more time paying with a lot of the other different sites. I need to load more of my pictures to my computer now. I have included one picture of me and my buddies last summer posted on two different magazine covers, Sweet! The top picture I was able to create my own title. The second picture was putting your picture on a popular magazine that already exists. I have also included the links for both, have fun. (Guys Weekly picture) (GQ picture)

Made with free image tools @
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Friday, May 30, 2008
So You Think You Can Dance Friend
You Tube Thought.
So as I continue my journey into the technological world of kinesiology I am beginning to shift my school of thought. I still feel there are a lot of things out there that can be too time consuming and useless. We will still get wrapped up in spending to much time on our computers if we aren't careful. Yet I have had my eyes open to so many things that I never new about. You Tube is not one of those things. This is actually a site I visit on a regular basis. I have so many favorite that I had a hard time deciding which one to put on my blog. This particular video is a Mikasa Water Polo add and is great. If you search mikasa and watch there videos they have some great one's with all sports and athletes. There is even a good one with kids playing in a school yard. You Tube can be used for fun, for knowledge, sharing memories, and so much more. All our support videos for class have been You Tube Videos. You can find news clips, sports clips, commercials, music videos, how too videos and just about anything else you are looking for. There are some videos of people doing some pretty stupid and incriminating things though. There was the group of high school kids that jumped a girl and held her captive in their house for an Internet video. So it has encouraged students to do some dumb things in order to gain there 3 minutes of fame, although it may not be positive attention it is attention. Those are isolated cases and I hope there stupidity doesn't ruin or overshadow the positive of this type of site. I really like all that you tube has to offer and I am beginning to enjoy the web 2.0 world more and more each day. Hope you enjoy the video.
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Techno what?
Sunday, May 25, 2008
New Technology
Friday, May 16, 2008
Microblogging or Mindboggling
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Training trip to Twin Lakes
Recently I have taken on the task of begining a new Water Polo program at the college level. It has been a busy year full of suprises. To try and desribe this past year in one post would be really tough. One of the things I enjoy a lot are the mountains. I spend a lot of time backpacking and mountain biking. Starting tis new program made it difficult to do those things so I try to include them in our training. The picture above was taken at Twin Lakes above Shaver Lake. We take taining trip up there and I hope to turn this into a tradition. This particular run was about four miles one way. We started at 8,200 ft. in elevation and climed to about 9,500 ft. The team was pretty worn out after a 1,300ft elevation climb in four miles. When we reached the lakes we jumped in for a quick swim. The water was a littel cold but well worth it. The team is awsome and worked hard this season. We hope to continue trips like this one in the future seasons.