Sunday, May 25, 2008

New Technology

Technology has been evolving rapidly for the past several years. I remember when the internet was just being introduced to me as a high school student. The fact that we were able to send an email was amazing. Now we have things like Facebook, Myspace, Twitter, flicker available to us at no expense. I am still a weary of the amount of time these things will consume in our lives, also the idea of losing that face to face social interaction. These things I talked about in a recent blog so I am not going to beat a dead horse. Though thru my assigments from a class i am taking these past few weeks I have been required to explore several new places on the internet and sign up for a lot of new sites. There is a lot of great new resources available to us through this teachnology (web 2.0). The web is evolving everyday and becoming more and more user friendly. Which brings me to this question, How do I feel about it? Well, I dont think I can fully answer that question yet. I know there are many great ways I can utilize these things to help me in the future but I have to make sure to prioritize my use. You can easily get swept up into the www. and never get out, but you can also harnis its power for the greater good. I sound like a comic book character. Speeking of comic book characters all thise new web 2.0 technology makes me feel like Neo from the Matrix. You know its out there and we are trying to understand it every day but you cant quit figure it out. We spends hours on the computer digging and learning, evolving yet I still dont fully understand it. Well with all that said I enjoy learning all this new technology but still feel very overwhelmend. I hope to fully understand it soon and learn even more how to use it to benifit me. Until then I will continue to reaserch and learn until I take to red pill and have my opend to the truth and fully understand all this new technology.


Valentina Haggard said...

HAHA Bryan, I love the way you bring up Matrix, I was actually thinking of the Terminator series, how we continue to dig and use technology and one day it may turn on us. We live in a society that is on information overload and we gain all of our information from the computer. And how often do we check if all of the information is given is the correct information. I don't disagree with you on the point that we are learning some great new technology in this class but sometimes when is enough, enough? It is interesting how long we can loose ourselves in the computer, I realized yesterday that I was only going to do bills on the internet and 2 hours later I was still playing on Myspace. Glad your enjoying this class.

Bailey said...

I agree with you about how wild it is to be capable of doing the things we do on the internet these days. Although I was only in 6th grade with I was first introduced to the internet (also the same year I met and became best friends with Lauren!!), sorry to age you, I feel almost the same way today as I did back then. I understand the concept of the all these technologies we are learning about, and I am excited to use them, but I am seriously having trouble finding time to do anything but try to keep up with all of them. I know this won't always be the case, but for now, i'm exhausted! Take Care B.

JT Thiesen said...

Bryan, I really agree with the whole idea of how the new technology can "consume" a person. I struggle with this. When I first had a myspace page I was on it all the time. The time I do have is so precious and I need to spend it with my wife rather than looking at stuff online! You know?